Lal Teer Seed Ltd.
– ISO 9001:2008 certified leading seed company in Bangladesh.
Lal Teer Seed Limited is the first Research-based and the largest seed company in private sector of Bangladesh since 1995. Engaged in develop, produce, process and market high quality of seeds all over Bangladesh.
Products :
Amaranth, Bitter Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Chili, Coriander, Country Bean, Cucumber, Eggplant, French Bean, Indian Spinach, Kang Kong, Khira, Okra, Onion, Papaya, Pumpkin, Radish, Red Amaranth, Ridge Gourd, Snake Gourd, Spinach, Sponge Gourd, Tomato, Watermelon, Wax Gourd and Yard Long Bean.
Sister Concerns :
- Lal Teer Livestock Limited.
- North South Seed Limited.
- Tinpata Quality Seeds Limited.
- Chens Crop-Science Bangladesh Ltd.
Contact Address :
Head Office :
Anchor Tower,
108, Bir Uttam C. R. Dutta Road,
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh.
Phone : 88 02-58610012 to 18,
58610027, 58610115, 58610131, 58610133 and 58615896,
Fax : +880-2-9662734
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.lalteer.com / www.multimodebd.com
Bangladesh Business Directory | Agriculture Directory | Seed Company |
Page updated : 06th May, 2017.
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