NIPRO JMI Pharma Ltd
– A japan Bangladesh joint venture pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh.
Founded in 2012, NIPRO JMI Pharma (NJP) started its journey with collaboration of NIPRO Corporation, a big giant MNC based in Japan. NIPRO JMI Pharma Ltd is a sister concern of JMI Group. Other companies are JMI Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd and JMI Vaccine Ltd.
Products :
- Antidiabetic
- Antidiarrheal
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Antiasthmatic & Bronchodialator
- Antiprotozoal
- Antiulcerant
- Antiemetic & Gastroprokinetic
- NSAIDs (Pain Reliever)
- Analgesic & Antipyretic
- Antihistamine
- Cough Expectorant
- Anthelmintic
- Supplements (Vitamins & Minerals)
- Anxiolytic & Antidepressant
- Antimigraine
- Muscle Relaxant
- Antispasmodic
- Cardiovascular Drug
- Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor
Address :
JMI Group
7/A Shantibag, Beximco Goli,
Dhaka 1217, Bangladesh.
Factory :
Rejendrapur, Chauddagram, Comilla.
Tel : +880-2 9346630, 8318375, 9333102, 8318733
Fax : +880-2-9337798, 8318303
EMail : [email protected]
Web Address : www.niprojmipharma.com | facebook.com/NIPRO-JMI-Pharma-Ltd
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Page updated : 13th October, 2017.
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