GIZ Bangladesh
– the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Since 2014, GIZ Bangladesh – a German based multinational company in Bangladesh (Non-Profit Organization) is working for the following priority areas :
- Renewable energies and energy efficiency
- Good governance, rule of law and human rights
- Adaptation to climate change in urban areas
In particular, GIZ is working with political, civil society and private sector stakeholders to develop strategies to promote compliance with social and environmental standards in garment factories and achieve sustainable improvements in working conditions for garment industry workers.
Projects and Programmes :
Sustainable infrastructure
– Renewable energy and energy efficiency
Security, reconstruction and peace
– Adaptation to Climate Change and Rehabilitation of Livelihoods in Selected Districts of South Bangladesh
Social development
– Addressing Bangladesh’s demographic challenges
– Support to the Health Sector Programme (SHSP)
Governance and democracy
– Promotion of social and environmental standards in industry
– Good governance in urban areas
– Justice and prison reform for promoting human rights and preventing corruption
Environment and climate change
– Climate Finance Governance
– Sustainable development and biodiversity conservation in coastal protection forests
– Management of natural resources and community forestry
– Wetland biodiversity protection project
Economic development and employment
– Agri-business for trade competitiveness project
GIZ Office Dhaka Address :
GIZ Office Dhaka
Road 90, House 10/C, Gulshan 2,
Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.
Phone : + 880 9666 701 000
Fax : + 880 2 882 30 99
Email : [email protected]
Postal Address :
P.O. Box 6091
Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212
Page updated : 09th May, 2017.
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